Thursday, March 01, 2007

Did You Know #4

The name "Bragg" actually describes those descended from Chief Brego, who were lively and cheerful [1], a state that can easily lend itself to boasting [2]. The Braggs of England were well established (especially in Devonshire), having "continued in England for over one thousand years ... [having] a long history and were prosperous and thriving" [3]. Cordell H. Bragg believes that theory to be just a few miles off. Admitting that he has no evidence to support his theory, only hope and instinct, he writes, "The name BRAGG also has an origin in IRELAND which has the spelling of BRAUG. In SHANNON IRELAND there is a BRAGG HOUSE, I’ve been told. This HOUSE is dedicated to the family name of BRAGG, BROUG, BRAUG etc. There seems to be several different spelling versions of the name of BRAGG" [4]. The latter is clearly established that during their initial generations in the "new world," a few of the Braggs kept in touch with each other through letters and over the years some branches of the family altered their names with various spellings (Bragge, Brag, Brage, Braggs, Braig, and Brague), adding to the family's overall size and making the research of future generations even more difficult.

From these various records emerge the claims that the Bragg family is related to President Calvin Coolidge, the "Poore" side of the "Standard and Poore's" of Wall Street fame, with two "witches" hung in the infamous Salem Witch trials, and intertwined in the ancestry of Daniel Boone, although the exact relationship is not clearly established [5].

The Bragg family can also be linked to various places, such as:
  • Bragg, TX
  • Braggs, OK
  • Bragg City, MO
  • Even the moon: "Bragg is an ancient lunar crater that is located on the far side of the Moon, just beyond the northwest limb" [6].

The Braggs have produced governors, senators, judges, preachers, an Indianapolis 500 racer, popular writers (i.e. Rick), singers (Billy) and countless honest, hardworking farmers. But we also have stories of abandonment and murder (among other things) lurking in our ancestral closet.
[1] Janet Greer Barnum, Cousins of Lincoln County.
[2] From Surnames and their meanings: "BRAGG (British). "Proud arrogant; brisk,brave" (Celtic);”" cf. surname-meaning-b.htm.
[3] Stephen Parker Hutchens, Descendants of Levi and Sarah Bragg Parker.
[4] Cordell H. Bragg, Re: Origin of Bragg Surname, Bragg Family Genealogy Forum,
[5] Descendants of John Boone.
[6] Wikipedia.

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